Does This Ever Happen To You?
It’s been a busy day at work, school, or around the house. You’re pooped and ready to relax, take a break.
So after running errands, making dinner, cleaning up, helping the kids with homework, picking up the house, paying some bills, maybe a little TV, and then feeling exhausted, craving a warm soft bed, you finally fall into bed and………….. immediately know this will be another one of those sleepless nights.
Ughhhh!!!!!! You’re “too tired to even fall asleep.”
You lay there exhausted but can’t turn your mind off. You toss and turn, pray, count sheep, take deep breaths, beg and plead to fall asleep. PLEASE let me fall asleep! Your hot, your cold, covers on covers off, you can’t get comfortable.
You look over at the clock, it’s been an hour, and you are still awake.
Tick, tock, tick, tock…’ve been in bed for two hours but still can’t fall asleep.
Only 6 hours until you have to get up.
You can’t go back to sleep. You toss and turn. You feel anxious, frustrated, and exhausted.
You have to be up in 3 hours! Tick, tock, tick, tock…..
PLEASE let me fall asleep!
Then without warning the alarm goes off, it’s time to get up!
You feel you’ve not slept a wink.
You try to think of excuses not to get out of bed. Your head hurts, your body aches, and you feel exhausted-another sleepless night.
A warm shower and a cup of coffee help to get you going but by late morning, or early afternoon, (definitely after lunch) you’re mentally and physically struggling to make it through the day.
You’re tired. Mentally. Physically. Totally exhausted.
And most likely, stressed, irritable, and achy.
No time for a nap. You have things that need to get done-work, school, errands…
Or How About This? Does this happen to you?
You are exhausted and you fall right to sleep, dead to the world, only to be wide awake 3-4 hours later, staring at the clock thinking it’s too early to get up.
It’s 3 a.m.
You count sheep, say a prayer, take some deep breaths, watch some TV, eat a snack or pace the house. Nothing works.
Might as well get up. Another sleepless night, another day feeling mentally and physically tired, irritable, stressed, blue, and achy. Eventually you get to where you experience a sense of dread as bedtime approaches. You know you need a good night’s sleep…..but you can’t get it!
And, just like the Bill Murray movie “Groundhog Day,” the process of poor sleep and exhaustion repeats itself day after day.
Is this you?
This is a sign of Fight or Flight mode and your Adrenals are screaming
Poor sleep is associated with increased risk of:
+141% greater risk of heart disease
+49% increased risk of dementia.
+80% greater risk of all-cause mortality over the following eight years among those who experienced both concurrent sleep difficulties — falling asleep or waking from sleep.
+Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
+Diabetes-adults who report getting 5 or fewer hours of sleep a night were 2.5 times more likely to have diabetes
+ Chronic pain-poor sleep is associated with a 40% increase in inflammation
+ Headaches-tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraine headaches
+ Fatigue-bone tired, brain tired, exhaustion
+ Brain fog
+ Restless leg syndrome (RLS) which further interrupts a good night’s sleep
+ Anxiety and depression
+ Poor immune function
+ Autoimmune disorders-rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, etc.
+ Low thyroid function and all the symptoms that go with hypothyroidism-fatigue, brain fog, nerve pain, achy pain, poor circulation, weight gain, anxiety, depression, hair loss, brittle nails, etc.
+ Increased stress which can trigger anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue, pain and inflammation, and ironically poor sleep
+ Increased oxidative stress, which increases the risk of pain, inflammation, and certain cancers
+ Weight gain ... Etc
People who had trouble falling asleep most nights had about a 44% increased risk of early death from any cause…
Is this you? Comment Below…
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