Gut Skin Connection
I see women talk a lot about having acne or Eczema after consuming dairy or gluten or during seasonal changes…
The irritation you might experience from certain foods (like dairy) is a symptom of the underlying issue - not the issue itself.
Can some people's bodies not tolerate dairy, just like how some people might not tolerate broccoli, tomatoes, eggs, and avocados?
Our skin is a mirror of what is happening inside our body, and the first body part rescue when it comes to throwing toxins... As other organs can be severely injured if our body toxins were thrown
This means if your Gut is leaking through your blood-stream, toxins can appear as rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis...etc
Recent research confirmed that the ones that have Dairy intolerance are missing a certain BACTERIA Specie in their Gut that breaks Lactose ...
More and More research shows that forever elimination causes of losing the bacteria and enzymes that break lactose and women become more intolerant to dairy
Other research showed that leaky Gut syndrome is the main cause of food intolerance, because of poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins, indigested, toxins molecules will enter into your bloodstream and the body tries to get rid of them through your skin...
The additional main point to consider is the Quality of the dairy you are consuming!!
Overheated Milk, hormones loaded (birth control, antibiotics), trapped, grains-fed cows are the worse choice
Instead Raw milk from Grass-fed free-range Cows is the best, if still causing issues means you really need to fix your GUT.
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