Leaky Gut

The intestines are protected by a single layer of specialized epithelial cells that are linked together by tight junction (or TJ) proteins. As one 2020 review explains, leaky gut symptoms are a consequence of intestinal TJ malfunction.

These TJ proteins are the gateway between your intestines and your bloodstream. They control what is allowed to pass into the bloodstream from your digestive system. More than 40 different TJ proteins have now been recognized to play a role in gut health.

TJ proteins have a very precise job. They have to maintain the delicate balance between allowing vital nutrients to enter your bloodstream while remaining small enough to prevent xenobiotics (disease-causing substances like toxins and bacteria) from passing out of your digestive system into your bloodstream, causing immune system cytokines.

And from here will start all the Chronic Inflammatory diseases, from Skin diseases to Cancer.

So if want to get rid of any kind of Disease, you don't need to waste your time on diagnosis, trust your body’s symptoms and start your healing journey…




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